No such thing as a simple answer
No such thing as a confident one either
I go over, again and again
I fumble with a piece of crumpled paper
Ripped to pieces
Waiting to be tossed into the bin but
I cling onto it, though it hurts me. 

It’s not paper, it’s a glass shard 
Digging into my skin and grabbing my lungs and 
Twisting. So many thoughts in 
My aching, aching brain. So many
Thoughts in my tired brain,
I let them circle like hawks over my rotting corpse
My tired flesh and my tired
Eyes that squeeze tears when you
Ask for my name. 

Don’t ask me anything, please
I beg you. Leave me be
I know you only asked what time 
It is, I know you only asked when 
We should meet up but
There are glass shards in my ears
And I’m tired of crying. One thing goes wrong
And I break down, Humpty Dumpty
Can’t put me back together again
Was I ever put together in the first