by roshini sk


past midnight, my hunger comes unbidden - 
intrinsic, it does its own bidding 
i cull the beating of my heart but 
it bulges - 
it bleeds


past one, my hunger calcifies itself,
immortalised, seraphs do their own bidding
in the living room, my grandmother watches over, 
mum used to say she could have made it,
a bloodline full of could-haves
it bleeds-
it blisters 


past three, my hunger retires, 
inspired, i do my own bidding
with catharsis, i create
with imposter syndrome, i cower
it blisters-
it berates


past six, my hunger lays recumbent
induced, time bids for no man
much less a woman who
feels hindered by the past
the future will plague me into submission
it berates-
it benumbs